What Is Network Capacity Planning? – Best Practices for 容量管理


约旦麦克弗森 - global Network and Server Management leader - headshot
约旦麦克弗森 出版日期:2022年2月28日
What Is Network Capacity Planning?
How ITIL Defines 容量管理
容量规划vs. 容量管理
Benefits of 容量管理 in IT
KPIs for Network Capacity and Performance Management
Network Capacity Planning Best Practices
How Do You Determine Server Capacity?
Benchmark Current and Forecast Future Capacity

如果你是IT运维人员, 你知道,要满足人们对明天独特需求的期望,压力有多大. 网络管理员和容量管理员承受着来自领导层的巨大压力,要求他们拥有最佳数量的十大赌博正规老平台器, 存储, and 网络ing resources available at all times.

Too many resources, and your organization could lose control of profitability. 资源太少,你的正常运行时间和声誉可能会受到难以恢复的打击.

So, how can an IT leader like yourself keep all the plates spinning? Can a 网络 容量规划 approach provide the optimization solutions you need?

What Is Network Capacity Planning?

网络容量规划是用于确定在指定时期内可能影响组织当前和未来网络性能的条件的过程. 正确使用时, 网络 容量规划 empowers organizations to predict and overcome bottlenecks, 停止性能滞后, 和排序 availability issues within 网络 infrastructure.

As a matter of utility, this process sounds simple. 但今天的网络比以往任何时候都更加复杂和多样化,可以包括像路由器这样的大量网络设备, 开关, 防火墙, 负载均衡, Web应用防火墙(WAF), 十大赌博正规老平台器, 存储硬件. IT团队历来依赖于网络容量规划工具的组合来识别潜在的缺点,并对技术添加后可能发生的情况进行有根据的推测.

Are you anxious about finding the right tool for managing your 网络 capacity? 从正确的角度开始您的计划-今天下载我们的网络监控工具评估指南!

在本质上, 网络 容量规划 means reconciling your 网络 traffic volumes, 网络利用率, 流量类型, and capacity flags with your goals. 解释允许网络管理人员在预测采用新的数字工具和应用程序所需的资源时自信地说“是”或“否”.

网络 容量规划 best practices

How ITIL Defines 容量管理

ITIL, the world-leading framework for IT service management, 定义它的方法 within the service delivery process. 它指出,容量管理负责确保当前和未来的It十大赌博正规老平台容量,以便It基础设施能够在短时间内交付商定的十大赌博正规老平台水平目标, 媒介, and long-term and in a cost effective and timely manner.

根据框架, ITIL的容量管理包含四个子过程,推动用户坚持网络容量和性能管理:


The first sub-process is business capacity management, 哪一种方法允许组织利用现有资源,然后根据业务需求和计划进行分层, translating them into actual required capacity and performance needs.


Service capacity management is the second ITIL process. 它允许组织进行管理, control and predict the performance and capacity of operational services. 十大赌博正规老平台容量通常是消耗资源最多的过程,因为它包括在建模中启动主动和被动操作, testing and production environments to ensure that performance can meet agreed targets.


Resource allocation capacity management allows organizations to manage, control and predict the performance, 利用, and capacity of individual IT components.


容量管理报告提供有关十大赌博正规老平台和资源容量的持续管理报告, 利用, 以及网络性能.

容量规划vs. 容量管理

ITIL differentiates between capacity management vs. 容量规划, 注意到规划需要作为反映当前需要的前期过程进行. 另外,容量管理是持续进行的,涉及监视的整个生命周期.

The repeatable data center 容量规划 cycle therefore looks like: – data collection > data analysis > optimizing infrastructure > and back again to 监控 collected data.

Benefits of 容量管理 in IT

容量管理允许基础设施主管正确地建议新的数字创新是否可以在现有的网络基础设施中交付. Capacity management can then flag likely bottlenecks due to shortcomings in your 网络.

data center 容量规划 tools

KPIs for Network Capacity and Performance Management

Establishing baselines is required, but this process can be extremely involved if you take this path without the right tools.

Key metrics need to be captured to establish KPIs for 网络 capacity management. 这些性能指标考虑所有关键的网络元素,并帮助您的组织形式化性能和可用性的基线. These metrics frequently include:

  • Maximum bandwidth rates (in bits/second)
  • Actual throughput rates of information transferal
  • Latency rates – (the delay between the sender and the receiver)
  • Packet loss (via % of packets lost vs. 发送的数据包)
  • Error rates (via number of corrupted bits as a % of total sent)

Network Capacity Planning Best Practices

达到最佳实践状态, there are more elements to baseline than just the KPIs in the previous section! 您需要考虑所有网络元素,如网络设备(交换机、路由器等).), 终端用户设备, on-prem十大赌博正规老平台器, 离线十大赌博正规老平台器, 外包十大赌博正规老平台, 现有应用程序的影响, 远程接入要求, 虚拟机和外部流量需求.

一旦你设定了基线, it’s important to identify existing and potential 网络 bottlenecks. If a latency rate is sub-par today, 在不解决一个根本问题的情况下做出所有未来产能决策,将是一个错误.

Organizational performance is one thing, but it’s also important to segment the performance of different 网络 infrastructure components. Is older equipment bringing down your average? 使用一个  数据中心硬件监控 service could help preserve Uptime while saving you the cost of replacement.


How Do You Determine Server Capacity?

在考虑给定时间段内现有和预测的工作负载时,十大赌博正规老平台器应该得到单独的关注. In its 网络 容量规划 best practices blog, 微软 advises that for better server 容量规划, tracking should be conducted of server CPU, 磁盘, 网络, 以及可能的内存消耗.

稍微难以预测的是,十大赌博正规老平台器上的单个应用程序负载会随着事务量的变化而不断波动. 对于这个用例,十大赌博正规老平台器需要促进低水平和高峰水平的利用率. 例如, 如何在不断变化的零售事务环境中计算十大赌博正规老平台器容量?

跟踪十大赌博正规老平台器详细信息(如CPU利用率百分比水平)的平均和峰值负载指示器是一个好主意, server memory 利用 percentage levels, 然后将使用情况划分为冷桶和热桶,以便记录扩展应用程序的影响.

Benchmark Current and Forecast Future Capacity

Determining 网络 capacity also requires logging through bandwidth 容量规划. 详细描述带宽利用率(通道容量)和网络延迟(在网络中的一点和另一个固定点之间传输所需的时间),并对它们进行基准测试,以避免应用程序性能故障.

网络上的设备数量是广域网容量管理中需要注意的另一个因素, especially when the latency of a 网络 connection is low. 如果有太多资源共享同一个网络连接,那么带宽很快就会成为性能限制因素. Wireless site surveys and 网络 refreshes 是否可以解决这个问题,但前提是您的容量规划准确地跟踪了这样的指标.

Choosing the Right IT Infrastructure Capacity Planning Tools

详细的规划是必不可少的。. 有许多传统的IT基础设施容量规划工具和网络容量建模工具可供使用. Predicting capacity requirements is the hardest part of the capacity puzzle. No business stays static, and resource demand is always in flux. 支持工具可用!

正确的 enterprise 网络 监控 software 我能帮你 discover your full array of 网络 assets, 分析你的网络流, and manage 网络 faults and events before your systems fail. All of this is possible with Entuity软件™.

If you’d prefer a more hands off approach, Park Place Technologies offers 侨福管理十大赌博正规老平台™, 全面的 基础设施管理十大赌博正规老平台 that can free your team up for creative problem-solving while we cover the fundamentals.

无论您的需求如何,我们的全球数据中心和网络优化公司都将为您提供帮助. 十大赌博平台排行榜,了解我们如何支持您的容量规划和管理工作!

约旦麦克弗森 - global Network and Server Management leader - headshot


Jordan负责指导Park Place的ParkView管理十大赌博正规老平台部门的全球网络和十大赌博正规老平台器管理产品. 他的职责包括与销售、市场营销、企业运营和R部门合作&D team to develop and bring to market Park Place’s world-class managed services. He brings 12 years of global experience in planning, 监控, 及提供资讯科技十大赌博正规老平台, 包括在MSP IntelliNet被Park Place收购之前担任近10年的团队领导和战略应用开发人员. Jordan is a graduate of Ohio University.